Friday, September 21, 2012

Working out... is my social phobia

So I'm a big fraidy cat of some things- bees, open bodies of water, really tall bridges, etc. But I'm also afraid of something weird...


No wait, I mean gyms. Yes, I'm very weird and am massively intimidated by gyms. I was very athletic in softball from toddlerhood to adulthood, but I was never a gym rat. Working out in a gym petrifies me- I don't know the routines, the written rules, the unwritten rules, the expectations, the cultural norms, the language, etc. I joined a gym as a normal person at the normal age of 22 and tried working out, but I just wound up loving the idea of going to gym instead of making it a reality. Fast forward more than a decade and my body is lumpier, less pliable, and hell, I'll say it, just plain ugly. I also have a horribly embarrassing condition where my face turns bright red at the simplest exertion. (I had an aerobics teacher pull me aside one day and ask if she should call 911, or if I wanted to try the remedial class.) Needless to say, I'm scared of gyms.

Why does this matter? Because I decided to face my fear head on- I enrolled in a PE class at school. I had no idea schools even offered PE, so I was super stoked to relive my childhood (trampolines, here I come!) You get an actual grade and credit for working out, plus free personal training, so why the hell wouldn't I sign up?

Oh yeah, my fear.

Just mustering up the courage to attend the orientation felt like I was trying to talk myself into jumping off the Sears Tower without a bungee cord. But I showed up, complete with other students in the class- athletic young girls, thin 18-year old girls, muscular guys, and even svelte ultra-fabulous guys.

I felt really, really out of place. One of the girls was reading the exercise waiver they give you and she snorted, "Are you 65 or over? Pfft, who would be in here?!" I slunk down a bit with each peal of their laughter. Granted I'm not 65 (or near it) but its stuff like that that makes me feel self-conscious. I couldn't help but take glances at myself in the wall-o-mirrors, and I picked out every single flaw in my appearance. The instuctional video detailing the ins and outs of the class was kind enough to include a not-20-year-old student also exercising (lookie- old people can do it too!) but she was using the rehab machines they make people with brittle bones and head injuries use. Bleh.

But I need any credit I can get, and easy A's are at the top of the list. My next baby step goal in this class is to sign up for personal training so I can learn how to use the weight machines. I don't want to wind up in the painter's scaffolding thinking I'm blasting my quads.

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