Saturday, February 23, 2013

Accepted to a Master's Program!

Holy shit, I was accepted to my first choice SMP! OMG!!

I told everyone I knew- my hubby, my son, my parents, my siblings, my teachers, my bus driver (who seemed incredibly uninterested in my news), even my dentist. I was smiling ear-to-ear. I had a place to go in the fall! I had plans! I had been validated as a potential med student- all my hard work was starting to pay the fuck off!

Then I started receiving all the stuff I needed to do: matriculation agreement, $1000 deposit, dates of orientation, health insurance to apply for, financial aid to fill out, do I want student housing?, set up your new email, etc,
My excitement has been completely tempered. It has abated. It has practically stopped and turned into apathy. It has been four days since finding out I am a bona fide graduate student and I'm no longer excited, I'm exhausted by all the freaking paperwork.

But holy cow, I need to apply for financial aid, something I haven't done since 1998. I fired up the ole trusty FAFSA site and was smacked in the face with this:
Am I fucking reading that right?! Only $20k for graduate school?! How do people pay for med school? Where do I go to get more money? My best friend suggested dancing, but the club already has its three ugly ones. Help!

Monday, February 4, 2013

When it rains, it pours

Ever hear that old adage about being single vs. in a relationship- that when you're unavailable everybody wants a piece of you, but when you're single you're invisible? Yeah, that's playing out in spades in our household. Only it's not for a relationship, but for a job. The unemployed hubby can't find any jobs, and me with two part-time jobs am literally turning down offers and interviews. I got called last week for two jobs, both of which would be awesome if I didn't have a family, or the need to sleep, or other plans- you know, like getting into med school. I wish my hubby could study for me and then download the info into my brain while I'm working three jobs. Yep, life would be good.