Saturday, August 25, 2012

Next step for me

I'm finishing up my last summer class right now, so I'm blissfully remembering the past and what is yet to come. Next week when I start the MCAT studying, the real shit will hit the fan and you'll see a much less composed me.

If you're looking for inspiration not to give up, I'm here for the taking. (If you're looking for a good time, I'm sooooo not your gal. I'm boring. The Daily Show is the highlight of my day. And I'm sure Mr. Mechanic wouldn't appreciate me spending more time away from home.)

I've been rejected pre-interview by a lot of schools. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's because of my old GPA and MCAT and not my lack of nepotism. No, no, don't try to make me feel better, I know it has to be that. So my next step is a SMP. There are a bunch of these programs, spread out all over the east coast, upper midwest, with a few in the south. I live nowhere near those places. But I'm going to apply to as many as my checkbook will allow, and hopefully I will get into a good one. What's a good one? One that accepts me and my deposit.

Seriously, I'd rather go to one that allows you to interview in as an MSII, rather than retake the year, but hey, I'll take what I can get. I think I'm going to apply to about two dozen programs, and we'll see who bites. At this point I want to go to Mega U School of Med, my alma mater, but if I like where I'm at and don't have to repeat a year, that'll be tough to beat.

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