Friday, August 31, 2012

Maybe colleges need to teach better finance math

I sold a textbook online for a whopping $7. (Hey, I bought it for $6, so I basically used it for free.) And the buyer paid $4 in shipping for a grand purchase price of $11. After a few days I received an email saying she didn't realize she already had this book and could she return it?

I was a bit puzzled, thinking she had no idea she had to pay return shipping, thereby costing her a dollar more in postage than for the book itself. She said she knew, that's fine, she still wanted to return it.

Just when you think people can't get any more ridiculous with their money.

Turns out the joke's on her- I resold it for 10 bucks- $7 she would have had if she had just sold it herself ($3 plus her saved $4 in return shipping). Guess I'll be painting the town red this evening with that $3. Piece of advice- if you have textbooks to sell, always sell them end of August/beginning of September. Unless your book will be discontinued before that time, in which case you're screwed. And if you empirically know when your book will be obsolete, call me. We're required to test your psychic powers on a 1-800 number.

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