Thursday, August 23, 2012

My sordid college past

Since we're fast pals and all that, I'll let you in on a secret- I did not do well in college. (Yeah, I'm talking about grades- what kind of sordid past were you hoping I had?!) Oh sure, I did well enough to graduate, but everyone knows that if you want to get into medical school you have to have a 4.0, research papers, volunteer experience, life experience, a Nobel Prize, and a sandwich named after you at the local deli. I barely graduated. And I mean that in the most sincere way- I graduated college with a 2.65 GPA.

Let that sink in- someone with a 2.65 wants to be a doctor. YOUR doctor. Not only am I old, I'm stupid too! I'll be seeing patients, telling them, "Bend over, all thermometers are rectal!" Townsie and I will be doing all the ancient procedures together!

In my defense, I was diagnosed with a medical problem and it affected my last four years of school. Yes, I said last four. I went for six. My first two years were a comedy of errors, spanning a couple different community colleges, in different states, with different class names, different requirements for graduation, and different prerequisites. (Remember, this was before online classes, common class identifiers, and a well-rounded choice of science classes at "Junior" colleges. It was the dark ages.)

Needless to say, I wound up not being able to transfer nearly every single one of my 2 years at CC to Mega U. Except english. I'm sure that transferred. Whoop-dee-do. So I started over at Mega U, became ill, and pushed through anyway. I refused to quit, even though I should have taken time off. I stupidly was bullheaded persevered and graduated. The Expected-Manner-In-Which-Adults-Do-Things took over, and I took on a job, a family, a mortgage, and scrapbooking (I regret nothing!!) And I was happy. Except I felt a little dead in a certain spot of my heart (I'm sure it wasn't an infarction. It was in the heartstrings. Ba-da-tiss!)

Blah blah blah, I decided to return to school and return to the career path I really wanted. But I had a long road ahead. It's frought with peril and anguish. Next week on "As the Med School Calls". (I loved daytime soaps in college. Adulthood ruined them for me. I can't watch them without letting stupid logic get in the way.)

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