I kept on track and finished my class on Wednesday, probably one of the few promises I kept to myself lately. I worked on my app over the weekend, but I had so much work to do at the hospital, that I didn't get even a tenth of it finished. Needless to say, it's still sitting there, mocking my psyche, awaiting finishing. Not that it matters at this point, seeing as I'm still waiting for three more LORs and a transcript, and haven't even picked out all my schools, but it would be nice to get it off my mind.
And speaking of getting stuff off my mind, I am so tired of studying for the mcat. I just want this to be over. I don't want to be so mentally over this test that I forgo even trying to get a decent score, so I'm in a quandary of how to study without wanting to 100% ignore it and just watch reruns of ER. I don't hate this test, I don't hate any standardized tests, and I don't hate studying, it's just that I'm *done* with this test. Since I'll be taking a family vacation from Friday to Tuesday, I'm working the beginning of the week instead of the end like I normally do (here goes not having a day off in about 10 days) and then back to the grind of mcat until July 2. I don't even know what day I would have to reschedule my test, that's how positive I am I will be taking it this time.
I haven't done a thing to prepare to for grad school, except sorta think about the drive down there and which day will be my last one at work. Oh and I haven't yet told one job I'm leaving, which I feel really weird about- most people give their boss 2 weeks notice, here I am feeling bad about not giving 2 months notice. I have to dig up my shot records, get a physical, tune up my car, etc., etc., etc. Ugh, way too much to do, so I don't want to do any of it.
But to move forward on a bright note, I will be studying gen chem all day, physics tomorrow, bio on Wednesday (all day, since I don't work... I think), and fitting in finishing my app, plus a little verbal and ochem. Did I bring this on myself? Oh yes I did, and now I'm cleaning up the mess.
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