Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New D-day: 04/04

Keeping true to my promise, I scored a 9 on the bio section on AAMC #3, so I changed my test date. When I went back and looked at my answers, I realized that I made four silly errors, so I should have had a 10- I got to stop making stupid mistakes, as I'm already on the edge of a barely acceptable score.

Changing the test date puts me back nearly 3 months, so it's going to cause issues with my SMP application. Now I need to decide if I'm going to apply now or wait until the score comes in. What would others do?

It's probably a good thing I postponed it, as I haven't done any studying because of the holidays. And I'm sure I won't get any done until after the new year- I have family in town and I'd much rather spend time with them instead of Berkeley Review. I will study this weekend while at work, but that's probably about it.

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