Today is the 29th, and the test is on April 4th- that's about 13.5 weeks from now. (The date is better than January for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I won't be taking a major test that determines my future in the middle of a packed quarter.) I'm debating whether to start the schedule I follow from the beginning again, or to continue where I left off. I'm actually leaning towards doing it backwards, starting at the end, and ending at the beginning. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that would be the best use of my time. I will start again in earnest next week, around the 3rd, but I'll do some tomorrow night, just to get back into the groove.
In stressed parenting news, I've been having all these weird dreams lately where my son is in trouble and I have to rescue him. One was where he was kidnapped from the airport and I couldn't find him. My family was also at the airport, but they were texting me from afar, telling me they would wait for me at a restaurant- in other words, no one was helping me. That seems to be par for the course in these dreams of mine- 911 doesn't work when I call, I can't call out of my cell phone, I can't scream, etc. I don't fully remember the other two dreams, but they were very similar, where my son was in trouble and I had to help him. Each time I woke up panicky, with my heart beating fast, fearful that I lost my baby, and he was scared and alone, needing me. I wonder if it's because I've felt like I was neglecting to find a balance between what I need to do (school, work, etc) and what I need to do for him (bedtime tuck-ins, game nights, etc.) My husband actually does the lions' share of taking care of our son, but I don't feel like I'm shirking my responsibilities. Tonight while I'm at work, my son is having a sleepover with family. That's how I get through school, work, and parenting- a village is helping raise him.
I'm actually surprised the dreams aren't entailing me rescuing my husband. He's still searching for a job, getting nowhere excruciatingly slowly. We both get very excited when he finally lands an interview, only to be crushed when he isn't selected for the position. The stress of him being unemployed is getting to both of us- it feels like a stifling hot pressure that you have no hope of alleviating. It's the stress of being at the mercy of strangers, that you cannot fix the problem on your own, that there's no hope or end in sight. If anyone out there is reading this and is a praying soul, please pray for him, that he finds something soon. Our prayers have fallen on deaf ears for the past few months, and we could use a break.
School starts for all of us next week and I'm glad to return to a routine after the unstructured holiday time. I'll be taking three classes this quarter, all biology, one of which is with a teacher I've had before who is pretty cool. I'll be spending 9am to 3pm on mcat stuff, attending classes from 3:30 to 8, then home with the family. Weekends will be for work, sleeping, and spending time with the family. The incredible thing about work is that I can study while I'm there- for that I am extremely grateful.
I also am filling out SMP applications, right now to Midwestern in Arizona and Georgetown. After school has resumed I will contact the schools for transcripts (all four of them!) and get my LORs. I've gotten through the mundane in the applications, now I just need to write my essays. I am a very good writer, but I don't write very well when I'm tired, so I'll save those for another day.
Here's to tomorrow being a good day, with movies, extended family, good food, and quiet sleep. Please, let there be good news soon for my husband- he deserves it, he's a wonderful man.