Friday, October 19, 2012

MCAT Day 5

I've been going to the library for my studying, but I realized that I'm wasting too much time and non-existent gas money (the awesome library is 30 minutes away).
Awesome library pictured may not be representative of all awesome libraries.
So I'm trying out studying at home, or going to the nearby library with it's glorious and varied homeless population with the convenient and library-adjacent sidewalk residence. I have a feeling I'll be tweaking the studying details until I find what works best. That'll come in handy once it comes time to study for realz in med school- then I'll know what works for me already instead of discovering it for the first 2 months.

Yesterday was much better with the timing. I had 2.5 hours to read the ochem chapter, and with a timer, I got through it. Of course I didn't take detailed notes like I wanted, so I need to incorporate that. I put little post-it note flags on the pages I wanted to review, which I did this morning at 7am. Ugh, yes, I got up an hour earlier to go through my notes.

Haha, no I didn't, I just planned to. I did get up early, but I used that time to catch up on reading blogs, watching the news, and generally waking up, until Mechanic Jr also figured it'd be nice to get up early and sit with mom. Which I think was awesome. :-)

After dropping off Jr. at school, I was all set to get started until I received an email telling me that I needed my SS card for my new job. I just spent two hours scouring the house with nary a glimpse of it. Great. Two hours wasted and now I need to make a trip to the local SS office (and quiet this worrying in the back of mind as to where it could be- I rarely lose things of importance. I even have my very first driver's license.) Guess it'll be a late friday night- I'll just pretend the dark dining room is a club.

So today's To Do list includes:
  • Take notes for a note sheet from OChem ch 1 (1 hour)
  • Do 1st third of passages from OChem ch 1 (30 min)
  • Review Gen Chem ch 1 1st third (30 min)
  • Review prior verbal passages (30 min)
  • Do 2 verbal passages (30 min)
  • Lunch! Whoo-hoo!
  • Read EK Bio ch 1 (2.5 hours)
  • 1st third of TBR Bio passages (30 min)
And that will take me through 1.5 days of studying. I'd like to get caught up on my imposed schedule.

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