I originally started out studying with the plan that I wouldn't time myself, that I'd learn the material first, then worry about timing. Both times I took the test before I didn't have probems with timing, so I don't anticipate a problem now.
But I think my goal of not only learning all I can, but mastering it too is causing me to fall severely behind. I only got through physics yesterday, not gen chem too. I'm going to have to incorporate some time limits, otherwise I'll still be studying physics three weeks after the exam is over.
I did get through all the phyiscs problems and the In-Class exam, but I did poorly, getting only about half right. I studied every nuance, every formula, every idea, and yet I still only got about half the problems right? Sheesh, I know phyiscs is my weak subject, but hell, that's awful! In looking at the answer key, they too test you on concepts they haven't introduced, like the 30-60-90 triangle. That's when I started getting really annoyed. I don't know about everyone else, but last time I took geometry I was in 10th grade. My physics teacher never used this triangle, so I was sorely lost on those questions. And I'm okay with not knowing stuff- hell, what I don't know would fill two stadiums and one ocean. But to create a quiz specifically with stuff never once mentioned in the aforementioned teaching chapter? That just sucks balls.
I have a test today for my class, so I'll be spending a few hours preparing for that instead of reviewing gen chem and doing verbal passages. I'm also going to be starting a part-time job soon, so even less time for studying. And when I get home at 8pm each night, the very last thing my family wants me to do is put my nose in a book instead of pointing it at them and you know, acting like a wife and mother.
I hate getting up early. :::grumble grumble::: the sacrifices I'm going to have to make :::grumble grumble:::. Maybe I can eliminate eating, seeing as I hate doing that anyway since we're broke...
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