Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lack of sleep

I remember when I was around 25 years old, I switched from working the typical 8-hour day shift to doing 4-10s overnight. I worked the night shift my entire college career and I hoped the overnight shift would be just as welcome. I wasn't disappointed- it meshed very well with my personality. I loved the darkness, silence, and enveloping quiet associated with working the odd shift, never having to deal with lots of co-workers or annoying morning people. I never had to deal with traffic jams, expensive parking, or office mayhem. The only issue was that my choice of dinner options was extremely limited- my co-workers and I would frequently hit up McDonald's at 2am (which, if I were to try that now, I'd gain 10 pounds in 10 minutes, along with a severe case of nausea and diarrhea.)

During that year I worked against my circadian rhythm, I don't remember being excessively tired during my shifts, although I certainly never had a lack of things to do. In my current position I could go an entire 12-hour shift and not have anything to do besides study; therefore, I find myself fighting to stay awake some days. And some days it's a serious struggle.

I was worried I was getting too old, too weak, too feeble to work overnight anymore, or that spending hours studying was now incompatible with my nature. (Cue somber, sad music.) That was until I realized that during the 48 hours on the weekend, I usually sleep only about four hours. Four freaking hours in 2 days? No wonder my body is fighting me tooth and nail to fall asleep.

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